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Robert G. Clark, 96, Dies; Broke a Barrier in Mississippi’s Statehouse

USRobert G. Clark, 96, Dies; Broke a Barrier in Mississippi’s Statehouse

Robert G. Clark Jr., who became the first Black person to sit in the Mississippi State Legislature since Reconstruction and who endured insults and ostracism before becoming a force in state politics, died on Tuesday at his home in Ebenezer, Miss. He was 96.

His death was announced on Facebook by his son Bryant W. Clark, who succeeded his father in the Mississippi Statehouse seat that Mr. Clark had occupied for 36 years.

A reserved yet genial politician, Mr. Clark was on the cusp of the revolution that transformed politics in Mississippi, a bastion of the most virulent white resistance to desegregation in the 1960s. For many years he waged a lonely fight.

When he entered the State Capitol in Jackson for the first time on a cold January day in 1968, Mr. Clark, a former high school teacher and coach, was assigned a solo desk at the far edge of the chamber. Other legislators were paired, but nobody would sit with the lone Black man in the Mississippi House of Representatives, an independent who was backed by the breakaway Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a faction that had turned its back on the segregationist regular Democrats.

Previously, Black people had had difficulty being admitted to the chamber even as spectators.

Mr. Clark sat alone for eight years. Once, he found a watermelon on his desk. When he rose to speak, he was cut off. “They’d cut me out, and I couldn’t get the floor,” he told the historian John Dittmer in 2013 in an oral history for the Library of Congress.

One night Mr. Clark had had enough. Furious, he cleaned out his desk and strode from the chamber, intending never to return. “I was ready to walk out!” he recalled. “Walk out!”

The veteran Mississippi journalist Bill Minor, a white man who spent his career battling the state’s segregationists, ran after Mr. Clark into the Capitol parking lot, along with a legislator named Butch Lambert. Rain was pouring down.

Mr. Minor pleaded with the young Mr. Clark: “OK, go ahead and do it. You’re doing what they want you to do!”

Mr. Clark recounted what happened next: “When he said that, I dropped my hand” — he had been trying to push past the two men — “and walked back in.”

“And when I walked back in on the floor of the House, man, they was having a hooray!” he recalled with a laugh. “They was wolf-whistling, they was clapping, and they was doing everything! And when I walked back in, they got just as quiet as a mouse.”

It would be years before it got easier for Mr. Clark. He would sometimes speak against bills he supported — the only way, he said, to get white legislators to vote for them.

But things began to change in 1974, when he helped pushed through a landmark consumer protection bill; white legislators voted for it even though it largely benefited Black people. The following year, after redistricting, he was joined in the House by a handful of other Black representatives from Jackson. Even more Black officials were elected in 1979.

Mr. Clark patiently made his way up the ranks, working with white legislators who had previously shunned him, like the speaker of the House, Buddie Newman, who had been a pillar of segregation but who now had to plead with Mr. Clark for his vote.

Once, he recalled, after Mr. Newman had half-mockingly dropped to one knee, having persuaded Mr. Clark to sign one of the speaker’s initiatives, Mr. Clark coolly told him, using a contemptuous term for rural white southerners, “Mr. Speaker, you peckerwoods are going to have to do a lot more of that for Black folks in the future!”

Mr. Newman made him chairman of the House education committee, and in 1992, Mr. Clark became speaker pro tempore.

By then Mr. Clark had become “almost an unofficial governor to Mississippi blacks, who came to him from throughout the state with their problems,” the political scientists Jack Bass and Walter DeVries wrote in their 1976 book, “The Transformation of Southern Politics: Social Change and Political Consequence Since 1945.”

In 1982, Mr. Clark helped pass Mississippi’s landmark education reform act, which established public school kindergartens for the first time in the state, one of the few pieces of progressive legislation ever passed there.

That same year, he launched the first of two unsuccessful campaigns for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, one that is now held by Bennie Thompson. His 1982 bid marked the first time in the 20th century that a Black candidate had launched more than a token effort at running for Congress.

The campaigns, in a Mississippi Delta district — the second bid was in 1984 — were both against a Republican, Webb Franklin, and both were reminders that racial politics were never far from the surface in Mississippi. Few white citizens voted for Mr. Clark, and political ads for Mr. Franklin directed at them declared, “He’s one of us.” Another Franklin ad depicted a Confederate monument in Greenwood, Miss.

As more Black legislators entered the Statehouse, some criticized an aging Mr. Clark as being too accommodating. “He seemed more comfortable with the redneck than with the Black militant,” Melany Neilson, his press secretary for the 1982 congressional campaign, wrote in a memoir, “Even Mississippi” (1989).

Mr. Clark, who lived all his life on a plantation that his formerly enslaved forebears had bought from the owner after Emancipation, was unfazed by the restlessness of younger colleagues.

He was “a self-made man” who was “fiercely protective of the individual nature of his accomplishment,” Ms. Neilson wrote, and who “loved hunting, his hound dogs, his farm, good meals, a good swig of Scotch.”

Robert George Clark Jr. was born on Oct. 3, 1929, in Ebenezer, the youngest of three children of Robert and Julia Ann (Williams) Clark. His father was a schoolteacher.

A formerly enslaved grandfather, who was “11 years old at Emancipation,” did not wear a pair of pants until after slavery, he told Mr. Dittmer in the oral history. “He always wore something like a dress or a gown,” he said.

His grandfather became chairman of the Hinds County Republican Party during Reconstruction.

Mr. Clark attended primary schools in rural Holmes County and high school at Holmes County Training School in Durant, Miss.

He received a work and track scholarship to Jackson State College (now Jackson State University), graduated in 1952 with a B.A. in education and became a schoolteacher in Humphreys County, Miss. He gained a master’s degree in administration and educational services from Michigan State University. From 1961 to 1966, he taught and coached football at Holmes County High School. He was eventually fired for supporting the civil rights movement.

In addition to his son Bryant, he is survived by another son, Robert George III; a daughter, LaLeche; and his second wife, Jo Ann Ross Clark. His first wife, Essie Austin Clark, died in 1978.

Mr. Clark’s first run for the Statehouse, in 1967, came after the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the creation of a Mississippi legislative district that was 65 percent Black. Opposed by a white incumbent, he won only narrowly.

Ms. Neilson, who was a child at the time, recalled “the tension in the white faces” in Lexington, the Holmes County seat, when Mr. Clark walked into a diner during the campaign. But he eventually “earned grudging respect from local whites” for his diligent work in the State Legislature, she wrote.

Of a number of Black candidates running for legislative seats in Mississippi in 1967, Mr. Clark was the only one to win. Mr. Dittmer asked him how he had pulled it off.

“Well, one of the things — I present myself to individuals in a manner to let them know that I am one of you,” he replied. “I am not no big I-O-U of somebody.”

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