The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday alleged that its Shahbad Dairy councillor Ram Chander was “kidnapped” by the BJP, a charge rejected as a “fabricated story” by Delhi’s main Opposition outfit even as the leader returned home.
Mr. Chander was one of the five councillors who had defected to the BJP last Sunday, only to return to his parent party four days later. The councillor claimed in a video clip shared by AAP on social media that he was taken to the BJP office.
“This morning, five to six people came to my house and made me sit in their vehicle and took me to the BJP office. There they threatened me saying that I would be framed in false cases by the ED [Enforcement Directorate] and CBI [Central Bureau of Investigation],” he alleged.
“My son Akash dialled 100 [police emergency number] and our senior party leaders also called the Police Commissioner. When they [BJP people] got to know about it, they sent me back home through someone,” he said.
Earlier in the day, AAP Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh termed the alleged incident a “blatant hooliganism by the BJP”.
Fabricated story: BJP
Hitting back, Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva said the councillor was at home making videos and claiming that someone had taken him away. “There is no mention of any names, no details of where he was taken to, or who dropped him off at home. They are only engaging in fabricating stories — whether it is Sanjay Singh, or other AAP leaders,” he said.