Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker M. Appavu has appealed to Minister for School Education Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi to organise quarterly meetings in every region to address the grievances of the teachers.
“Since we are conducting weekly grievances day redressal meet for the public at the Collectorate on Mondays and the ‘Ungal Ooril Ungaludan’ events in a taluk every month to address the grievances of the common man, this system may be introduced to assuage the problems of the teachers, who do not have any platform to air their grievances,” Mr. Appavu said while addressing the regional event on ‘Let’s celebrate the parents’ held in Palayamkottai on Saturday.
The function was organised to honour the parents of the children, who have liberally donated materials, money, land or building to the schools of their kids.
“We, while following bilingual policy, will never accept the imposition of another language in Tamil Nadu, where we do not stop anyone from privately learning a language. Since the trilingual formula was mooted in the past through the Centre’s Navodhaya schools, the late Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi opposed it. Now, the Centre is laying the condition of accepting the New Education Policy for releasing Tamil Nadu’s share under SSA, which means that the State should allow teaching Sanskrit spoken by just 25,000 Indians in our schools. We’ll never accept it and will not budge to these pressures and intimidations,” Mr. Appavu said, warning that the New Education Policy would also snatch away the autonomy of Tamil Nadu colleges and introduce common entrance examination like NEET for securing admission in these colleges.
“The minor difference of opinion among the students is being portrayed by a section of the media as ‘enmity’, which is not true. These bubble-like differences will vanish in no time. When the media blow it out of proportion, the revenue and the police have to step in that aggravate the situation further. After the parents, it is the headmaster and the teachers concerned are much worried about the progress of every student assigned to them,” Mr. Appavu said.
Minister for School Education Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi said the State government had designed a range of schemes from bringing the dropped-out children back to the school to fetching them employment after graduation through due upskilling.
“Since we are not thinking about the next elections and really concerned about the future of the next generation, we’re introducing these constructive measures,” Mr. Mahesh said.
The Minister appealed to the parents to meet the teachers of their children at regular intervals which would ensure the constant progress and holistic development of the kids.
“If you meet the teachers at regular intervals, you can understand about your children’s strength and weaknesses on which you can work further in a positive fashion,” Mr. Mahesh said.
Dr. Karthikeyan and motivational speaker S. Gopinath addressed.